Sunday, September 28, 2008

South Africa

I have finally made it to the place where God has taken me in dreams...or at least thats what I believe.

I'm staying with the Ulrich's and so far it has been very exciting...the first night there was a gecko in my room and Becca almost stepped on a giant toad.

The people in Africa are so nice and friendly. I actually got a chance to meet Tswana people and go into their home and pray for them. There are pictures of the family. They have had a really hard year and need so much more prayer.

I also found several things that were very shocking to me that I just did not expect. The most shocking is that plastered all over the telephone polls and electrical boxes are posters and ads for abortion...not to end it though...they all say 100% safe abortion Call...that was very surprising to me.

I don't exactly know what I am supposed to do just yet but i absolutely love the people of Africa.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

The UK (mostly Scotland)

So I have actually made a blog...this is the only way I can keep everyone updated...

I have always wanted to travel around the world. I do not know why, but I was always interested in how the other part of the world lives.

Before I left to go on my trip to Scotland and South Africa, our family history became a tremendous interest to my family. We have always known that on my mother's side they were all kinds of royalty. Some were dukes, duchesses and sirs and recently we have discovered some were preachers of reforms in the 1600s. A guest speaker from India came to our church and long story short her great-great-great grandfather was the Maharajah of a town that my mother's great-great-great grandfather was sent by the Queen to. He was sent to map out the first maps of India. They went to parties together (Grandfather & Grandmother) and the Maharajah had a picture commisioned of my grandmother x4...

Our family also owned a castle in Scotland. The castle is called Midmar Castle (second picture)and was built by William Wallace as a hunting lodge. Allison Croley and I finally found it after a very long (and costly) cab ride. James Mansfield (third picture) and his son John Mansfield owned it from the 1700s to 1842. James Mansfield was also burried in the castle graveyard. I did take a picture of the plaque. Blayney Harkness' family also has a castle in Scotland called Comwy which we visited.

Also in St. Giles church (a massive, old church) in Edinburgh, Scotland, Blayney Harkness and I went exploring. Allison Croley's relative is burried in that church and has a statue to commemorate him. Then on the wall right by his cassket is a plaque commemorating James Dalrymple (first picture), which my great grandfather x6 who we think worked with John Knox.
I find it amazing how 3 girls all have tremendous history back in Scotland. Actually Allison's relative and my relative might have even known eachother (we don't really know that but it could be possible) We all got to share our history with one another and I think it is important that we did all share in eachother's history. I think God is working somehow to show us our heritage and how we are all very closely connected one way or the other.