Sunday, September 28, 2008

South Africa

I have finally made it to the place where God has taken me in dreams...or at least thats what I believe.

I'm staying with the Ulrich's and so far it has been very exciting...the first night there was a gecko in my room and Becca almost stepped on a giant toad.

The people in Africa are so nice and friendly. I actually got a chance to meet Tswana people and go into their home and pray for them. There are pictures of the family. They have had a really hard year and need so much more prayer.

I also found several things that were very shocking to me that I just did not expect. The most shocking is that plastered all over the telephone polls and electrical boxes are posters and ads for abortion...not to end it though...they all say 100% safe abortion Call...that was very surprising to me.

I don't exactly know what I am supposed to do just yet but i absolutely love the people of Africa.


kEsG said...

Ha a gecko. That's funny. Well I am sure it was kinda startling at first but make for an interesting story. The Geico gecko was in your room. LOL!

Anonymous said...

Hey Veronica, So neat to read your blog, now we can all live vicariously through you! :) Keep the pictures coming, so fun to look at them all. If you need more space for photos, check out, it's free and easy to use.

Unknown said...

Hi Veronica,
Guess what? I grew up dealing with gecko's in my bedroom every now and then. My walls were yellow and those things would try to blend in and end up pink with blue eyes... or something like that... funny! Glad you're liking S. Africa. The abortion signs were a shocker... that's something to pray against for them. I agree with Mel, keeps those pictures coming! Enjoy every moment, I'm sure it will go faster than you are ready for. Cindy Baker

Anonymous said...

Hey Veronica, Cool you started a blog too! I love all the pics. you look like your having fun. can't wait to see more blog posts from you.

Unknown said...

Veronica, I really enjoyed reading your blog and looking at the pics, especially the Scotland pics. Family history really fasciates me. Also, I'm really glad you posted the pics about the abortion signs. How sad for them. We need to see that they make abortion as commonplace as having a garage sale, perhaps because of such a great amount of desperation.

Enjoy this journey you're on, and thanks for blog. Keep the reports coming.