Saturday, October 4, 2008

I am a wimp!

I have been working in the Animal Clinic with Paula Ulrich on North West University campus (NWU). We have only been in the clinic because some of the students are on strike...they have burnt down a couple of buildings...the strikes have never been this violent before but classes have been on and off this whole month (sept.) I asked one of the students why he was on strike and he just looked at me and never the students dont even know why they are on strike...but because of the violence in this strike the other students that want to go to class can't because they are threatened as well.

so i have been in the clinic. I have come to the realization that I am such a's ridiculous...i have absolutely no problem watching Paula do a surgery on an animal or seeing blood. Actually yesterday i was watching a dog surgery and my stomach started growling...I was starving! But when the sick dogs come in it just grosses me out...Some are so sick with blood parasites you can count their ribs, they go to the bathroom all over the floor and i have had to clean up after them and honestly i am surprised i haven't pucked yet. Paula and some of the other students have to hold down the animals and i just don't even want to pet them. The other day she asked me to hold down a dog that was attacked by a bigger dog and it had a nice hole in its neck from where the dog bite him...and i was like what kind of diseases can i get from these things?!! Then other dogs have fleas crawling all over them. I watched a dog be euthanized, but no that didn't bother me...i was much more disturbed about the living, breathing, sick animals that actually needed help...this makes me sound terrible..haha Paula doesnt know that I feel this way either...SHH! don't tell her! I do it anyway though...everything she tells me to do, I do...she wouldnt let me do anything that put me in danger anyway. So i better just do it and suck it up! So i have been...

I really don't understand what dealing with sickly animals has to do with me...but I am sure it has some lesson to it. Maybe it means that when God asks you to do something and even though you really dont want better suck it up and take it like a man! and do it anyway..he knows better than we do. There will probably be an amazing outcome if you do it anyway. Paula does it everyday...I think she saved a dog's life yesterday, but i was worried about touching it because it had fleas and was sitting in its urine all night probably...see i am a completely ridiculous, the dog is like dying and i am worried about fleas...but no no Paula has a job to do, so she does it. hmm i think i mught have just answered my own question about what lesson i am supposed to learn from this...but please feel free to enlighten me more...please!


Anonymous said...

yes you are quite the wimp(I am just joking, I am that way too... you probably have noticed) will get over it soon...Dr. Ulrich(aka Mom)would never put you in danger.
I think God is trying to train you to love no matter how different someone will meet people in your life who are totally different than what you expect but you have to let God's Love shine through basically, God is teaching you to love

Ljhark said...

You know, being on the far side of 50, there is one thing I have figured out. I don't always know what God is doing, but nevertheless He is always doing something. You are having amazing experiences for a young woman your age. Don't fret too much about what you see as weknesses in yourself. Delight in being the child of God, the daughter of the King that you are and laugh along with your heavenly Daddy at what He has you doing now. I am confident that at some point you will look back and see what He had in mind. In the meantime just enjoy the craziness of it all.

HESSICA said...

That all sounds like so much fun!!! Olivia sad you are such a wimp, and she also said it sounds nasty.

Anonymous said...

I think I am a wimp too then. It does sound like hard work. Are you having a good time in Africa anyway?
You know God might be getting you ready to help sick people. Or you might end up doing surgeries on animals like Paula. You never know!

vrasmom said...

You are definitely not a wimp, let’s say sensitive. Bodily fluids other than blood make me sick too, you know that! As for feeling bad because you were more bothered by the suffering living dogs than the euthanized dog, don’t… you are doing exactly what you are called to do. We are all called to minister to those who suffer. 2 Corinthians 3-4 “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction so that we will be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.” Also about sucking it up and doing what Paula asks of you, realizing that she would never put you in danger; is how the Lord wants us to react to His leading. To say yes in faith, knowing His plan is to prosper and not to harm, plans to give us hope and a future. I love you! Mom

kEsG said...

As I was reading your post came to mind that people are much like these dogs. They have "fleas" aka issues, have been sitting in their own "urine and feces" aka sins and even 'bite' each other. And yet we are called to love them. No matter how wretched they are. We were all wretched but for the grace of God. We always need HIS eyes to see, HIS ears to hear and HIS heart to love. HE is always asking us to do things that make us cringe and sometimes want to puke but like you say in your post (Paula will not put you in danger) HE will not ask us to do something that will ultimately kill us (our flesh yes, our pride yes, our reputation, could be) but to live is Christ and to die to self is gain right? Great Post V. Keep em coming.

Unknown said...

Hi Veronica,
I can kind of relate with what you are feeling - having dealt with, and still dealing with - the similar side of humanity. It can be very very repulsive. Here's one thing I learned.
It is easy to imagine that we will love the unlovable, but it is another thing when they smell bad, are swearing at you, and are covered with....well, life's dirt. It is naturally and understandably repulsive - who wants to get that stuff all over you?!
It is human to be offended by the offensive - but, it is divine to be able to love despite the offense.
And while we are human, the Lord tells us that we are partakers of the divine nature.
The more you see, the less offensive it will become to your flesh - but the love part that will enable you to move in that divine nature will come from the Spirit.
There were times when I prayed for smelly, dirty "street people" in the ER and hugged them as they cried and got snot all over my lab coat - and it didn't really matter. The Spirit just does it.
Remember - where we are weak, He is strong. That means that we don't necessarily have to focus on making our weak parts stronger - just on His strength in us.
Much love to you,
Lenora Berning

Herb Stark said...


We are proud of you and your new-found friends. We all should have a 'learning about life' experience like you. Maybe then we would learn to live in peace. You are a shining example to all of us. Bless you and your new acquaintances!

Eric Price said...

I have learned a lot in my 10 years riding rescue I would like to share some of them with you. In the grand scheme of things people and animals will offer the same experiences. I hope that it will help you understand why your work is important. The first thing you learn when volunteering is the feeling of gratitude when you help a stranger in need. The trust that they place in you will help you be more humble. The second thing you learn is that all life must come to an end and a job like yours leaves you with no illusions of death. Death is not like in the movies sometimes it isn’t pretty and sometimes it leaves an impression on you. Witnessing death and caring for someone or something in their final moments helps you appreciate life more. I know now that when people say at least I have my health they really mean that. I know that everyday on earth is a gift that should not be wasted. Your trip is a perfect example of what I mean you have seized an opportunity to gain life experiences and experience things outside you normal comfort zone. By doing this you are putting your days to good use. Giving of yourself is sometimes tough whether it is because of lack of time, money, or drive but by doing it without reservation it worth it in everyway. My experiences as a Firefighter and Youth Director have given me so much not in pay but pride. The pride in a job well done is something no one can ever take for you. The pride knowing you made a difference in someone’s life is undeniable. One more lesson before I end my ramblings is life is sometimes tough and sometimes you will be tested. Without true tough times you cannot appreciate when times are good. A true test of someone’s fortitude is how they act in trying times. When you are asked to help someone or something when they are down know that it is a truly noble job you are doing. Situations can be gross or emotionally difficult at times know that you can only help the situation and that you have no responsibility in how it happened only that you have been asked to help fix it. I will end this here I am sorry to send so much. If you need anything just call me or email me. I love you and miss you, best of luck on your journey.
Love your cuz

Anonymous said...

you really need to post something new... this is 8 days about Pilanesburg...or the student church...or life around the house...or Calvary... just something could even post about how you feel about your roommate.